KEC Mentor Network Guest Blog Post: Halee Sprinkle

KEC Mentor Network Guest Blog Post: Meet Halee Sprinkle The Knoxville Entrepreneur Center is pleased to introduce you to some of the business experts in our KEC Mentor Network. Each month we will highlight one of our mentors and invite them to share some of their expertise with our wider audience. You can apply to […]

Chris McAdoo’s Pechakucha Talk: KEC’s Purpose and PEOPLE

Chris McAdoo takes the Pechakucha stage! Chris McAdoo, Chief Experience Officer for KEC, takes the stage for an impassioned seven minutes to dig deep into the heart of what makes Knoxville Entrepreneur Center so special, and our Maker City community so innovative and powerful. Hint…it’s the people out there doing the work. Originally recorded during […]

Raising + Rising 2024

Join Us At Raising + Rising 2024! As a special part of Innov865 Week, Raising & Rising will showcase seven entrepreneurs and their businesses to a room full of investors, industry leaders, and local Knoxville companies. The Knoxville Entrepreneur Center is excited to host the seven companies in this year’s showcase. Raising & Rising is […]

Meet the 2024 The Works Participants!

the works accelerator logo

Meet the Participants for The Works!   Five Startups Announced for “THE WORKS”, Knoxville Entrepreneur Center’s Premier Startup Accelerator for early-stage software, technology, and tech-enabled companies poised for rapid growth. The program kicks off June 12th, concluding with a demo day and celebration September 4th.    For media inquiries, please contact: Chris McAdoo, Chief Experience […]

KEC’s 2023 Year in Review

2023 has been a BIG year for KEC We kicked off the year with a new team member, Kelsi Walker, who is our new Communications and Marketing Coordinator. We had another great What’s The Big Idea Pitch Competition with six highly engaged and dedicated teams. We celebrated 10 Years of KEC in April with a […]

Raising + Rising 2023

Meet the Raising + Rising 2023 Participants As a special part of Innov865 week, Raising + Rising will showcase seven entrepreneurs’ businesses in a room full of investors, industry experts, and local Knoxville companies.   The Knoxville Entrepreneur Center is excited to announce the seven participating companies in the 2023 Raising and Rising showcase! Raising […]

Brandcamp 2023 Recap

Summer 2023 Brandcamp panel

Brandcamp 2023 Recap This past month, 13 entrepreneurs and founders participated in Brandcamp, a KEC program which provides entrepreneurs with the tools and knowledge necessary to develop a successful brand plan. The business owners and founders heard from a variety of guest speakers and panelists, who imparted their knowledge while candidly discussing branding topics with […]

Big Ideas Welcome Season Two!

Season Two of the Big Ideas Welcome Podcast launches today! Since 2022, the Big Ideas Welcome Podcast has shared over 50 episodes of stories from entrepreneurs. Heading into the next season of the podcast, host, Chris McAdoo, wanted to do something different. Up until now, episodes existed as long-form interviews and conversations. The newest season of the […]

Happy 10th Birthday KEC!

Happy Birthday KEC!  As April comes to a close we want to look back on how much fun we had celebrating our 10th birthday earlier this month. It has been 10 years of the Knoxville Entrepreneur Center and team KEC threw a big party to celebrate. So many familiar faces came to say hello as […]

What’s the Big Idea Pitch Competition 2023

7 BIG TEAMS. 7 IDEAS. $10,000 ON THE LINE.  Over the last few weeks, 28 pitch videos were submitted, over 6000 public votes were cast and 7 finalists moved forward to participate in the Shark Tank/ Accelerator-style competition. Each finalist had 5-minutes to “pitch” their big idea, and another 3-minutes to answer questions from the judges. […]

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